Thursday, October 30, 2008

persimmon season has begun

This weekend the persimmons were taken off the tree and our home was re-decorated by their varying shades of orange. I particularly love persimmons because I end up living with them as aesthetic objects as they ripen on every window sill, waiting sometimes more than a week until I can eat one.

The Hachiya variety must be taken off the tree before it becomes ripe as to avoid falling off on its own which damages this soft delicate fruit.

Once off the tree they need to change in color and consistency to then be eaten, if they are eaten prematurely they are terribly astringent and may scare you away from the fruit for years (right mom?).

To ripen persimmons it is best to lay them on the window sill so they can have sun, but not be exposed to the Fall elements. They must turn from this lighter orange color, similar to Fiesta Ware's classic Persimmon color to a saturated orange with a strong red hue. They should also become very soft, almost gel like under their delicate skins. A ripe persimmon is very delicate and can easily be punctured or smushed.

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